Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chef Abby?

In the past 24 hours I have made a bomb-ass casserole, apple crisp, and white chicken chili.  My domesticity level has increased 10 fold since being unemployed!  Who knew that's all it took to finally want to do all the things women seem naturally inclined to do?!

Ryan and I walked another 4.1 miles last night... it feels so GOOD to be putting effort into me for the first time in a long time.  I called my papa Sunday night and told him I'm going to run in the Big House 5K with he and Ryan next year and the old man sounded so excited and proud... and it felt really good.

Add this to the wish list...
It's the Nike + SportBand wristband... it track your distance, pace, and calories burned.  I WANT!

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