Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Wait is Over....

Hi dolls!  Gosh it's been a long time, hasn't it?  I've had some threats that if I don't start blogging again friends and family will riot.  Nobody wants a riot, so I guess I'd better get at it.

Let's see... what's new? Happy 2011!!  How's your year starting off?  Mine's been fantastic, loving my new job at the property management company, and just feeling overall revived.

2010 ended with a series of totally shit events, but I'm keeping my chin up and doing a lot of introspective searching as to what it is that makes me happy, what makes me get up in the morning, what do I love, hate, want, need, etc.  It's amazing how much you learn about yourself when you actually try.  I've spent so much time, TOO much time, worrying about everyone around me and how they feel and what they need, that I had completely lost touch with Abby.  Not that I don't care about my friends and loved ones, not trying to say that at all.  Sometimes you just have to start looking out for #1, ya know?

I've started the year out with a renewed focus on my health and fitness.  I come from a family of disease lovers.  I'm basically facing a shit-storm of diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, and who knows what else, so I'm doing everything I can to get my force-field up.  I've lost 9.5 pounds since January 3rd, and while that's definitely not a lot by any means, it's a start.  People have already noticed a difference which is beyond encouraging and is always a highlight in my day.  I'm starting to not dread working out as much, and have been doing cardio 4 or 5 days a week, and have a LOT more energy which feels so good.  One thing that's been really cool is that I'm not craving junk, which usually happens when I start trying to diet.  I haven't been following a specific diet, just trying to stay under 1,500 calories which seems to be working pretty good.  I've been trying to not eat a ton of carbs, and filling up on fruits and vegetables, and drinking more water than I ever have!  Let's hope I can keep it up, and look like a whole new girl by 2012!  Encouragement is much appreciated! :)

Today's my day off so I guess I'd better get back to checking things off of my massive to-do list...there's enough cleaning, errands, and laundry to keep me busy until midnight!  I love being busy though, so it's actually kind of fun for me to have a busy day off.

Sorry for the long delay between posts, maybe my New Years resolution should be to stop being such a lazy blogger?  I'll leave you with today's JAM...

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